Another request to the regional government about a Health Centre

The Council has approved yet another motion requesting the Junta de Andalucia to take the necessary steps to construct a Health Centre in Nerja.

The motion calls upon the Ministry of Health, Equality and Social Policies to clarify the position of the Junta de Andalucia on the project, requests sufficient funding to be made available in the 2015 budget and also requests a meeting between the president of the Junta and the Mayor of Nerja to discuss the project.

The Health Centre saga began almost a decade ago. Early hitches included deciding upon location, with the Council offering a number of alternatives including, quite bizarrely, a plot next to Plaza Cavana. It was eventually decided to build it down by the riverbed and an access road was constructed and the site prepared, but that’s as far as it got.

The site is currently used as a (much-needed) free car parking area.

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