Balcón de Europa starting to look good

The Balcón de Europa is looking much better now as the building works move ever slowly towards completion, the cafes now able to put out their terraces once more. The surface is now all one level, making walking far more easy, and the whole area is more open. It should look very good when totally finished.

Balcon de Europa January 11th

Work on the Balcon de Europa continues, slowly but surely. The surface is gradually becoming usable again and it shouldn’t be too long before this stretch is completed. The cafes along this part of calle Carmen can at least open again and try to make up some of the income lost during the past couple of months.

The stage is being set

The stage is being set on the Balcon de Europa ready for the celebrations, the latest indication that the numerous rumours of alternative venues are probably unfounded.

And then it was gone

The stage has been removed from the Balcon de Europa, prompting fresh specualtion that the end of year celebrations will be held elsewhere. Everyone you talk to has ‘heard’ something different but there has been no official confirmation about a change of venue. It would be highly unlikely, but you just never know.

Back to work

Someone has been out administering pyrotechnic suppositories because there were a dozen workmen in Plaza Cavana this morning and five on the Balcon de Europa. Not all gainfully occupied, one might add, but at least they were on the sites. The bad weather has, of course, prevented any work being done on any of the projects for the past week …

Balcón de Europa and Plaza Cavana

The cafe Mediterraneo on calle Carmen managed to open again on Saturday, even having a terrace as there wasn’t much building going on. Several of the businesses in the square behind the Balcón de Europa have opened up again.

Nice sunset…

Quite a few people on the Balcón de Europa this evening trying to get good shots of the sunset.

Back and forth…

Priceless. Today, a narrow walkway was opened up from Plaza Cavana and past cafe Mediterraneo, Solbank and onwards. Unfortunately, no-one put up a sign to tell people they couldn’t actually get anywhere by following this route!