Nerja street to be closed to traffic during the summer

Nerja town

In an effort to help boost trade and tourism Nerja Town Hall has decided to close Calle Diputación, from six in the evening until three in the morning. This measure will come into force from the 28th May and last until 31st October.  It is hoped that as the street will be free of motor vehicles and pedestrian-friendly that local …

Traffic restrictions on calle Diputación in Nerja

Vehicles will not be allowed to use the street between the hours of 12:00 pm and 01:00 am. (Calle Diputación is the left turning just off the main Street Calle Castilla Pérez in town and is the street where Meson de Antonio restaurant is located) The street will remain open to pedestrians and craft stall vendors throughout the holiday period.

Summer traffic restrictions in calle Diputación

From now until the end of the summer season, calle Diputación is closed to traffic from 18:00 to 03:00 each day to allow the restaurants in the street to set out thier terraces.

Annual traffic restrictions in calle Diputación

Calle Diputación, the road between avenida Castilla Perez with Plaza Cavana, is now closed to vehicular traffic from 18:00 to 03:00 every day of the week until, more than likely, October 15th. This is an annual closure to allow the restaurants to put out street terraces in the evening.

Calle Diputación summer traffic restrictions

As from tomorrow, Wednesday June 15th, calle Dipuatción will be closed to vehicular traffic from 17:00 to 03:00 daily. This is to allow the bars and restaurants to put out street terraces for the next few months.