All too familiar…

This, unfortunately, is not an isolated case these days with many such comments appearing on various forums:

Why the fuss?…

Don’t know why so many people over-exaggerate the dog poo ‘problem’. Yesterday I walked all the way from the junction of calle Antonio Millón and calle Fray Junipero Serra to plaza Garcia Caparros, probably about fifty metres in total, and only had to manoeuvre around a mere 10 piles of the stuff. Obviously a fuss about nothing.

Clean-up campaign

Torrox Council has begun a campaign to try and obtain the cooperation of residents in keeping the town clean, especially relating to the removal of animal excrement from the thoroughfares.

It is a problem almost everywhere

Coín Council has decided to take action to clean up the town after numerous complaints from local residents about dog excrement on the streets. Policing will be intensified and municipal ordinances relating to animal hygiene and husbandry will be enforced, which could lead to the imposition of fines ranging from €70 to €300.

The Dog Poo Fairy

Inconsiderate pet owners are a concern everywhere and the approach to the problem varies from city to city, country to country. In Spain, ‘campaigns’ seem to be very localised and last a very short period of time. 

Paved with…

Not all the streets are paved with gold.

The inconsiderate…

One gets the distinct impression that the only ones acting with any kind of ‘vigour’ are the inconsiderate animal owners and their pets. Other countries in Europe have successfully introduced special areas where animals can go about their natural business with no problems for the general public.

Campaign against animal residual waste

The Councillor for Public Health, Andrés Márquez, has announced a new campaign by the Local Police against inconsiderate animal owners who let their pets foul the streets and do not remove the offending mess.

Minefield moan…

Dog poo on the streets has always existed, but not to the extent that it does these days. That’s my impression, anyway. In the past, almost daily hosing of the streets, even during prolonged periods of drought, probably helped to ease the situation, but it doesn’t seem to be the case nowadays. Especially considering the drought has officially ended. Many …