Iznate PGOU approved

The PGOU for the town of Iznate, population around 1,000, has been approved by the Junta de Andalucia. The plan includes provision for the construction of 221 houses and provides for a growth in population of 530 inhabitants.

First Axarquia PGOU’s approved

The messy situation surrounding urban development in the Axarquia is gradually being sorted but, although the Junta de Andalucia pledged that all municipalities in the district would have their PGOU’s (General Plans) approved before the May elections, only two have so far achieved this status.

Fiesta de la Uva Moscatel in Iznate

The municipality of Iznate celebrated the XII Fiesta de la Uva Moscatel at the weekend, with 1,000 kilos of grapes and 200 litres of Muscatel wine being provided for visitors.