Wine and tapas at Los Bilbainos

Hard to resist popping in to Los Bilbainos in calle Alejandro Bueno for a glass of Muscatel wine from the barrel and a tapas if one happens to be in the area (in the area = northern hemisphere). Still only €1.50 for a large wine and delicious tapa.

Fiesta de San Sebastian in Algarrobo

It is the Fiesta de San Sebastian in Algarrobo on Thursday January 20th, with muscatel wine, beer and sangria on offer as well as local delights such as callos (tripe) and tapas of morcilla and chorizo. Later in the day is the procession of the statue to the local hermitage.

Cómpeta wine festival

Cómpeta is getting ready for its most important festival of the year, the Noche del Vino, which takes place on Saturday August 15th.