Crunch, but not credit

The Atlantic ocean is the second largest ocean on the planet, covers one-fifth of the Earth’s surface and has a surface area of 106.4 million square kilometres. If you were looking for something in that area you’d probably never find it in a million years, as they say, but two nuclear submarines managed to collide!

Ecologists in Action criticise latest arrival in Gibraltar

The environmental group Ecologists in Action have criticised the arrival of the latest ‘floating bomb’ in Gibraltar, the American nuclear powered submarine USS Alexandria. The USS Alexandria, a Los Angeles class submarine carrying Tomahawk and Harpoon missiles, is the fifth nuclear vessel to arrive in Gibraltar this year, the others being the USS Hartford, USS Florida, HMS Superb and the …

Floating bomb arrives in Gibraltar

Ecologists are complaining about the latest ‘floating bomb’ to arrive in Gibraltar, the ‘USS Florida’, a nuclear submarine carrying MK-48 torpedoes and 154 Tomahawk missiles.