Caracoles a la Nerjeña (Snails Nerja style)

Snails can be found on the menu in many tapas bars in Nerja and you can often see people in the campo collecting bags of these creatures.

6 dozen snails (local ‘sierra’ snails)
300 g Onions
350 g Tomatoes
100 g Almonds
6 Garlic cloves
50 g Bread
2 dl Oil
Water, salt, red pepper, lemon juice and saffron.

Clean the snails well with water and salt, boil for a few minutes and drain. Finely chop the tomato and onion. Fry the garlic, bread and almonds and put to one side.

Fry the onions, tomatoes and pepper and add the snails. Mix in the almonds, bread, saffron, a few drops of lemon juice and a drop of water and then cook slowly for about 10 to 15 minutes.

Serve in a ceramic dish with all the juice. Use a toothpick or the like to skewer the snails.