Wounded police officer in ICU

The police officer wounded in a shootout at the Bon Sabor supermarket in avenida de Eduardo Dato in Sevilla is in intensive care at the Virgen del Rocío hospital after undergoing emergency surgery. He is reported to be conscious and breathing without artificial ventilation, his overall condition being described as ‘stable’.

The officer, a 54 year old Chief Inspector, was in the Bon Sabor supermarket when two men attempted to carry out an armed robbery. In attempting to prevent the robbery, one of the robbers was shot dead and the officer was wounded in the abdomen. The second robber, who fled the scene after his colleague was shot, has not yet been apprehended.

The dead man is 36 year old Bernardo M.S., born in Barcelona but no stranger to the authorities in Sevilla. In June of this year, he was detained in connection with another armed robbery in the city.

A police raid on one of the houses belonging to the deceased resulted in the seizure of a multitude of weapons and ammunition, including four shotguns, several hunting rifles, semi-automatic pistols, machetes, knives and roughly one thousand rounds of varying types of ammunition.

Meanwhile, statements have been taken from all concerned with a view to creating an exact reconstruction of events and to clarify the exact circumstances surrounding the death of the robber.

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