
Wouldn’t it be nice if, just for once, party political nit-picking over who said what in 1993 or who didn’t do this or that in 1864 could be set aside for the common good, like actually getting round to doing something like building a sewage plant. Or residual water processing plant as it is called these days. What a daft title.

The ‘talk’ has been going on for decades, and still there is no proper sewage processing in Nerja. Surely this is something should be regarded as shameful, or embarrassing at the very least. Torrox is in the process of building a second plant, so it’s obviously possible!

If you or I had a nice villa but no toilet facility and all the waste just streamed down a pipe into the garden pond, wouldn’t we be embarrassed, reluctant to invite people in? Wouldn’t we do something about the situation, and pretty smartly? Or would we first spend our money on constantly tarting-up the outside of the villa to make it more attractive to our visitors?

If small villages can manage to build a sewage plant, why can’t a municipality of nearly 30,000 manage it?

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