Civil Defence First Aid Course

civilprotecionThe Councillor for Protección Civil, Antonio Miguel Navas Acosta, has announced the setting up of a Civil Defence First Aid course starting on April 18th.

The course, a total of 45 hours, will be spread over three weekends and finishes on May 10th.

The training focuses on raising awareness of the structure, dynamics, fundamental skills and rules of civil protection, as well as covering the basics of emergency planning.

Participants will also be trained in basic first aid relating to victims of accidents or disasters. A total of 35 students will attend this first course, 32 from Nerja and 3 from Torrox.

The course has been approved by the Escuela de Seguridad Pública de Andalucía (School of Public Safety in Andalucía) and they will be providing a number of teachers. The Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de la Diputación de Málaga (Málaga College of Nursing) will provide the teachers for the first aid section of the course.

A second course, also free, is currently planned for October and this one will deal with aquatic rescue.

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