2,550 kilos of hashish seized near Rota, Cádiz province

Police and Customs officers have seized 2,550 kilos of hashish brought ashore near Rota, Cádiz province, and are now searching for the traffickers.

The police received information that a boat carrying a shipment of drugs was in international waters and was trying to reach mainland Spain.

The boat apparently made several attempts to reach dry land but was unable to do so due to police controls in the area and SIVE surveillance monitoring. Finally, however, the boat did manage to reach land at around 01:00 in the morning where several people were waiting to unload the cargo.

The boat was subsequently spotted by a helicopter patrol and patrols made their way to the scene whereupon the smugglers abandoned the drugs on the beach and fled. A search was launched for the smugglers but they had disappeared into the night.

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