Marta del Castillo phone line

The special phone number set up in connection with the €1 million reward being offered for information leading to the location of the body of murdered Sevilla teenager Marta del Castillo has registered 1,100 calls in the first seven days.

The first day saw 400 calls to the special number, 697 24 96 22, but this has now settled at around 100 calls per day.

The reward, put up by an anonymous donor, will be paid out for anyone providing information as to the whereabouts of the body of Marta del Castillo, the seventeen year old girl who is presumed murdered on the night of January 24th to 25th 2009.

The reward will be paid out by Adolfo Jiménez-Castellanos Holgado, lawyer for the anonymous donor.

All calls are confidential and anonymous and the information is passed to the National Police for investigation. So far, the police say that they have received several ‘interesting’ calls but nothing ‘crucial’ to solving the case.

The phone line will remain open until April 17th 2010.

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