F is for Feria

F is for Feria. The Nerja Feria – Feria de la Virgen de las Angustias y San Miguel Arcángel – takes place in the second week in October and always includes October 10th and 12th.

October 12th is also the Fiesta del Virgen del Pilar, the patron saint of the Guardia Civil, and special celebrations take place at the Guardia Civil headquarters in calle San Miguel, Nerja.

Feria is Latin for “free day”) and it was a day on which the people, particularly slaves, were not obliged to work, and on which there were no court sessions.

The Nerja Feria – currently under way – usually lasts for four or five days, with activities now taking place in two main areas. There is the ‘Day Feria’ in Plaza Tutti Frutti and calle Antonio Millón until 20:00 and the ‘Night Feria’ on the main feria ground from 20:00.

Concerts, dancing, processions and plenty of eating and drinking are the order of the day.