Ants in Ronda

The Centro La Algaba in Ronda will host the V Conference of Myrmecology Taxonomy from July 1st to July 3rd. Under the title Taxomara, it is the annual meeting of the Iberian Association of Myrmecology and the afficionados La Marabunta and there will be several presentations by experts and an exhibition of nests.

Ants in a microwave

So, you shove your dinner in the microwave, nuke it for five minutes and out it comes, piping hot. Or incinerated. But, wait a minute, there are ants running around iside the microwave! How on earth did they survive? Are they immune? Ants in a microwave

The solution to traffic jams?

Could ants hold the clue to getting rid of traffic jams once and for all? A very interesting article on the subject, and some excellent comments from readers.