Weather alerts for Sunday

Sevilla, Jaén and Córdoba are on yellow alert for temperatures of up to 39 degrees from 12:00 to 20:00 on Sunday.

Wednesday weather alerts

Cádiz, Córdoba, Huelva and Sevilla are on yellow alert for high temperatures on Wednesday, with Málaga, Granada, Almería and Cádiz on a similar alert status for possible high winds.

Yellow alert for high temperatures

Thirteen provinces in Andalucia, Murcia and the Canary islands are on ‘yellow alert’ for high temperatures today. In some areas of Cádiz, Córdoba, Jaén, Málaga and Sevilla provinces, temperatures could reach 38 degrees.

Yellow alert for high temperatures

The Meteorological Office (AEMET) has activated a ‘yellow’ alert for high temperatures today, Monday, in a total of 28 provinces throughout Spain.

Temperature alerts

Jaén, Cordoba and Sevilla are on ‘orange alert’ for temperatures of over 40 degrees in the shade. Granada province is on yellow alert, where the temperatures are expected to be just under the 40 degrees in the shade. These temperatures are expected to continue until June 29th.