Municipal Library now open on Saturdays

In the past, the Salvador Rueda Municipal Library in Nerja has only opened on Saturdays during certain special periods, such as before school examinations or during occasional school holidays.

Change to consultation hours at the Town Hall

Starting on Tuesday June 26th, the various Town Hall offices will be open from 08:00 to 14:00 rather than the current 10:00 to 14:00 in order to facilitate public access to municipal services.

Change to Post Office opening hours

One of those mysterious summer cunning plans is now in operation as the Post Office changes its opening hours to 08:30 to 14:30 Monday to Friday and 09:30 until 13:00 on Saturdays. The population trebles, so the opening hours are halved. The building is fully air conditioned, so it can’t be the heat. The new hours are in effect until …

Hostelry trade wants extension to opening hours

The hotel and catering trade in Andalucía is planning to renew its request to the Junta de Andalucía for an extension to opening hours to help combat the effects of the current economic crisis. They are seeking at least a one hour extension to opening hours for restaurants, bars, terraces, cafés and clubs in order to make up for the …