Public perception of the monarchy has improved, according to a survey

The public image of the monarchy has improved in the one month since the new king took to the throne, according to a survey published in the newspaper La Razón.

63.1% of respondents believed the first month of the reign of Don Felipe and Doña Litizia had improved the image of the monarchy.

72.9% gave a positive assessment of the new king, a figure that rose to 85.2% among those over 65 years of age, and only 13.3% considered Felipe VI ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’.

79.7% saw Don Felipe as a good heir to the throne, while 65.4% had a positive perception of the institutional activities carried out by the Royal Family during the first month.

61.7% believe that Doña Letizia is doing well with her institutional responsibilities, while 33% of those aged between 18 and 29 years negatively assessed the Queen’s performance.

63% believe that the royal couple are more connected with society, while 23.3% said they had seen no significant change.

The survey, carried out by NC Report, was based on 700 telephone interviews conducted between July 15th and 18th and claims to have a 95.5% confidence level.

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