Málaga city to introduce fixed radar speed-traps

Málaga city is to introduce fixed radar speed-traps within the urban nucleus in an attempt both to curb speeds in the city and to reduce pollution levels.

For the first time, Málaga city will have fixed radar speed-traps and they are going to be installed just after Easter and should be fully operational by May. Installation will be at locations where drivers perpetually put their clog down.

The alternative to radar was the installation of speed bumps all over the place, but many roads apparently do not lend themselves to such devices and so the Council decided upon radar. Signs will be erected which warn motorists of the presence of the radar. Offenders will not only be fined but will also lose license points.

The radar traps will be installed as follows:

1: Entrance to Málaga via la avenida de Velázquez (direction town centre).

2: Calle Pacífico, between avenidas Molière and de los Guindos (direction town centre).

3: Calle Pacífico, between Carril de la Chupa and Tabacalera (direction Torremolinos).

4: Paseo del Parque (direction town centre).

5: Entrance to Málaga on la avenida de Andalucía (direction town centre).

6: Avenida de Andalucía-puente de las Américas (direction Torremolinos).

7: Avenida de Andalucía-puente de las Américas (direction town centre).

8: Entrance to Málaga via Valle Inclán.

9: Valle Inclán, between Camino de Suárez and avenida Simón Bolívar (direction Ciudad Jardín).

10: Valle Inclán, between Camino de Suárez and avenida Simón Bolívar (direction Torremolinos).

11: Entrance to Málaga via Ciudad Jardín (direction town centre).

12: Entrance to Málaga via carretera de Almería (direction town centre).

13: Avenida de Lope de Vega (direction town centre).

14: Paseo marítimo Pablo Ruiz Picasso, near the Baños del Carmen (direction town centre).

15: Paseo marítimo Pablo Ruiz Picasso, near the Baños del Carmen (direction Almería).

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