One dead and four injured in ETA bomb attack

ETA have detonated a bomb outside the Legutiano (Álava) Guardia Civil barracks killing one person and injuring four more.

A van packed with up to 300 kilos of explosives was parked outside the Guardia Civil barracks in the town of Legutiano and just before 03:00 this morning it was detonated. There was no warning. Around 40 people were in the barracks at the time of the explosion.

The Guardia Civil officer who died is Juan Manuel Piñuel Villalón, aged 41 years, from Melilla. He leaves behind a wife and one child. One of the other officers injured in the blast is said to be in a serious to critical condition.

The vehicle used by the bombers to make their escape, a Peugeot 306 stolen on April 14th, has been found in Abadiño, Vizcaya. It contained an incendiary device which had not detonated.

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