Electricity costs to rise on July 1st

The cost of electricity is set to rise by an average 5.6% as from July 1st 2008 and bills will be monthly instead of every two months.

The increase in cost to the domestic consumer will vary according to usage.

Contract for less than 1kw – increase 5%

Contract for 1kw to 2.5kw – increase 5.5%

Contract for 2.5kw to 5kw – increase 7.33%

Contract for 5kw to 10kw – increase 8.34%

All electricity users will receive 125kw per year ‘free’, which is about 5% of average consumption.

Small and medium-sized businesses will probably see a rise of around 5%, slightly lower than the average, in an effort to see such enterprises maintain their competitiveness and to stimulate job creation in these sectors.

Until now, the electricity bill was the only one which covered a two month period, but not any more, it will go to being monthly just like all the rest.

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