Red Palm Weevil in Fuengirola

Fuengirola Council intends to send a ‘wake up’ call to the Junta de Andalucía regarding the never-ending problem of the destructive Red Palm Weevil.

According to the Council, the situation was ‘under control’ a few months ago, but since August, the company hired by the Junta de Andalucía to cut down affected trees has not put in an appearance in the municipality. There are currently around forty trees awaiting felling.

The Council engineers inspect all trees in the municipality and if they require felling, the Junta de Andalucía is informed, otherwise the trees are chemically treated. Under the current regulations, the felling of infected palms is the sole reponsibility of the Junta.

Last week, the Junta de Andalucía expressed concern regarding a number of municipalities, and individuals, who were not cooperating fully to combat the advance of the Red Palm Weevil and threatened to abandon their involvement in the matter.

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