First El Playazo agreements signed

Nerja, El Playazo beachYesterday saw the signing of the first agreements between the Nerja Council and several of the landowners on El Playazo beach, a move adopted by the Council to avoid the expropriation of the lands by the Department of Coasts.

The plots of land in question, 33 in total, now fall into the category of maritime-terrestrial public domain. The original idea submitted by the Department of Coasts was to expropriate the lands, but Nerja Council decided upon a different, and ultimately cheaper, approach, offering the owners alternative urban lands with preferential planning permission in exchange for ceding their current plots to the Council.

El Playazo beach is seen by the Junta de Andalucía as an important area for the development of tourism in Nerja and the Plan de Ordenación del Territorio de la Axarquía (POTA) includes plans for a promenade, hotels and residencial housing.

The POTA, however, has to conform to the local PGOU (Plan General de Ordenación Urbana), although this shouldn’t present any problem as the current PGOU is ‘under review’ and will no doubt be adaped as and where necessary to ensure that everything ends up legal and above board.

Seven of the thirty-three landowners have so far signed the agreements, so still a long way to go. Which gives us plenty of time to continue enjoying the unspoilt beach before it becomes just like all the rest!

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