Franco symbols being removed in Pizarra

The Council in Pizarra has begun to remove items and symbols relating to the Franco era, as required under the Law of Historical Memory.

Down has come a plaque, commemorating the construction of social housing by the Ministry of Housing in 1956, and three coats of arms of Franco Unions which adorn street signs in the town, namely calle San Fernando, calle Álora and calle Rodríguez-Acosta.

Also being investigated is the origin of the name ‘Rodriguez-Acosta’ in this case, and if it is confirmed that he was a senior general in the Franco era, a change of street name will be in order.

The Council is making a complete study of the main streets of the town as well as checking symbols and plaques with a view to their future removal should it prove necessary.

The commemorative plaque being removed has the following text:

Delegación Provincial de Sindicatos, Grupo de 42 viviendas Nuestra Señora de la Fuensanta, Año 1956-1957

However, the plaque was flanked by the shields of the Union on one side and the Falange (Fascist) party on the other.

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