Parents detained after cocaine detected in baby

An eleven month old baby was admitted to the Hospital Materno Infantil in Málaga on Sunday in an agitated state, constantly crying and suffering from respiratory problems. Subsequent tests carried out on the child revealed cocaine in the urine.

Following normal protocol in such cases, the Local Police were informed and the parents were summoned to the hospital.

The father, 23 year old Carlos Alberto J.G., and the mother, 22 year old Lidia G.A., told police that at no time had they left the baby alone and were unable to explain the presence of cocaine in their daughter. They admitted to using hashish but stated that they never took cocaine. The paternal and maternal grandparents were also questioned by the police.

The couple were then arrested and the case passed to the National Police. At the time of the arrest, Carlos Alberto J.G. was found to have hashish in his pocket. He also has prior arrests for causing injuries, robbery with violence and car theft.

The baby is still under observation in the hospital but is recovering favourably.

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