Time to help

The association Taller de la Amistad, who do a lot of work to help the mentally impaired, will be recycling Christmas cards as part of their programme.

From January 7th to January 17th, instead of just consigning all those used cards to the rubbish bin, take them to one of the following places:

Town Hall (Atención al Ciudadano on the ground floor).

Nerja Cultural Centre, Calle Granada 45.

Capistrano Village community office, Calle Vía Romana.

Laundry Jimena, Calle Prolongación Rodríguez Acosta 5.

Mr. Money exchange office, Calle Carabeo 67, Avenida Castilla Pérez 17, Calle Los Huertos 3.

Alonso y Godoy, Calle Chaparil 8.

Taller de la Amistad, Urb. Condal. (Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:00).

The collection points are all over town so there’s no excuse!

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