Torrox businesses demanding action

Businesses in Torrox, particularly along Ferrara Playa, are getting more than fed up with the lack of action to stabilise the beach area so that the sands are not swept away evertime there is bad weather.

The want to see the construction of jetties or breakwaters to protect the beach from the winter weather, something that the Department of Coasts has been promising for years but has so far failed to carry out.

The businesses are hoping to meet with representatives of the Central Government in order to ask them to expedite proceedings.

In the meantime, the owners of businesses say they will not permit the Department of Coasts to deposit truckloads of sand on the beach before Easter, although their exact course of action in this respect is not yet known.

In 1994, in a similar situation, the businesses blocked the N-340 to deny access to lorries carrying sand. Which just goes to show how long the delays have been!

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