Illegal fishing

The current economic situation has led to an upsurge in illegal fishing, particularly in the Torre del Mar area.

A decade ago, the authorities almost wiped out the illegal ‘bolicheros’, expert fishermen whose name derives from the methods used to catch the fish. But they are now back, casting their fine mesh nets to trap immature fish.

The return of the bolicheros began slowly, but encouraged by prices of €150 per bucket for their illgotten gains, many more returned to their old ways. There are now so many that the price per bucket for the immature anchovies and sardines has dropped to €30.

Their action is rapidly depleting fish stocks and the authorities are once again on their trail, with 32 boats being seized during the past two weeks.

The fish are sold to restaurants as far away as Granada and Madrid but have also been found on the market in El Palo. As well as being illegal to catch immature fish, it is also illegal to sell them in a restaurant, or wherever, and the authorities are also trying to crack down on such establishments.

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