Council approves projects under the Plan de Transición al Empleo

The Council has approved five projects planned under the Plan de Transición al Empleo, an economic stimulus package provided by the Junta de Andalucía. Nerja is set to receive €700,000 under this latest plan.

The proposed projects are:

  1. Building a ‘plaza’ above the El Chaparil car park (the car park, incidentally, is now scheduled to be finished by Easter!).
  2. Improvements to the garden areas on the Balcón de Europa.
  3. The construction of a roundabout in calle Puente Viejo.
  4. Repaving work at the Municipal Sports Stadium.
  5. General improvements to traffic signalling.

As per usual these days, the projects were approved by the Council using its absolute majority, the opposition PSOE abstaining during the vote.

On the party political front, the ruling PP cannot understand the socialist abstentions relating to financial packages provided by their own party at a regional or national level.

The PSOE argue that there is a lack of consensus in the drawing up of lists of projects to be included in such packages.

The bulk of the €700,000 funding will go on the El Chaparil plaza project (€300,000) and the Puente Viejo roundabout (€300,000).

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