Council denies irregularities

The Councilor for Beaches, Jonathan Méndez Hermant, has issued a staement in which he denies that the Council committed any illegal or irregular action when hiring beach security staff during last summer.

His statement was in response to socialist accusations that the use of Protección Civil staff was both irregular and illegal and that, as a result, the Council had been fined.

Jonathan Méndez Hermant said that the Socialist Party knew about the hiring of Protección Civil staff and had been kept constantly appraised of the recruitment process. Many municipalities have been using Protección Civil staff for beach patrols and security purposes. He added that the Council has received no sanction in respect of their actions.

The Councilor also said that the Council will begin hiring beach staff, in a legal manner as always, as from June 15th.

Great to see that the powers that be are concentrating on issues that really matter. Last year’s beach patrols??

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