Mole hunt

The UK Government is still apparently spending around £5,000 a day of taxpayer money trying to find the mole who leaked details of the parliamentary expense claims.

The new Speaker, John Bercow, has vowed to stop this blatant waste of public money, saying that it has gone on long enough.

When the original scandal broke, the Government hired private detectives to try and trace the perpetrator of the leak and hundreds of computers have been examined in minute detail. This was after MI5 turned down a request to carry out an investigation and the police made it clear that catching the mole was virtually impossible.

The Speaker accuses the Government of carrying out a ‘witch hunt’ and says that such action gives the false impression that MP’s were actually the victims in the expenses scandal rather than the public. No doubt the spin doctors have been beavering away to try and turn the situation around, as usual.

It does seem clear, however, that many of the general public do actually want the mole to be traced and identified….to give him a medal for service to his country.

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