Increase drug use in Ronda

The current economic crisis has led to an increase in the consumption of drugs in the town of Ronda according to the head of the ARDE (Asociación de Drogodependencia de Ronda) Beatriz Calderón.

So far this year, 219 people have attended the ARDE unit to treat problems with various narcotic substances, the highest number in the 24 year history of the organisation.

Calderón believes that many of those who had been rehabilitated have returned to drug use after becoming unemployed as they try to forget their problems or return to a circle of friends where drug use is prevalent.

There is also, according to Calderón, an increase in the number of 14 to 16 year olds taking drugs, this age group now accounting for 35% of those helped by ARDE.

Calderón also noted that drugs are readily available in most parts of Ronda and are present in numerous schools, colleges, bars and clubs.

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