Leaky car park in Torrox Pueblo

The first underground parking garage in Torrox Pueblo, in the La Almedina area, was inaugurated in December 2008 but has already run into problems after the recent heavy rains. It leaks.

Leaks from the new plaza on top of the car park prompted the Council to order a technical study to determine the severity of the problem.

The report states that the granite floor of the plaza is badly damaged due to the poor installation of the slabs and suggests immediate replacement.

It was the intention to use the plaza for at least part of the Migas Festival as well as moving the flea market to this area, neither of which has been possible. The Council is urging the construction company, Unión Temporal de Empresas (UTE) Almedina, to replace the defective flooring so that the square can be used for more than just walking on.

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