La Caleta fishing fleet remains in port

The fishermen in Caleta de Vélez remained in port on Thursday in protest at the implementation of health regulations on how fish has to be presented at the market, the rules applying to both the buyers and sellers.

The regulations state that the fish must be presented at market, and transported from the market by the buyers, in boxes with holes and only packed with snow.

The traditional method, which is sufficient for pre-market, is storage in vats with a mixture of water and snow. However, veterinary inspectors alerted both the buyers and sellers to the regulations and the protests began.

And it was not just the local fishermen who were affected, there were also dozens of other boats from up and down the coast who had been fishing in the area.

The fishermen had 5,000 kilos of fish in vats and in the end, unable to sell it, they tipped the lot onto the road as part of their protest.

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