Over one million visitors to the Alhambra de Granada

The Alhambra de Granada has registered more than one million visitors in the first half of 2011, an increase of 9.07% over the same period last year.

There were 1,129,436 visitors to the Alhambra during the first six months of 2011, with 246,360 visitors in April (up 21.81% compared to April 2010) and 248,788 visitors in May (up 22.03% compared to Mat 2010).

The European Union accounted for the most visitors (49.34%), 69.03% were under 44 years of age and had a high level of education and France, Italy and the Netherlands supplied the most visitors.

Regarding visiting groups, these came from Germany (28.17%), France (17.98%) and England (16.78%) and the average age was over 60 years with a preponderance of university graduates.

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