New PSOE Executive

The president of the Junta de Andalucia, José Antonio Griñán, has been selected as PSOE president in the new executive led by Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, replacing Manuel Chaves. This was despite Griñán’s candidacy not being supported by the new leader.

The complete new PSOE Executive is:

President: Jose Antonio Griñán
Secretary General: Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba
Deputy Secretary General: Elena Valenciano
Organizing Secretary: Oscar Lopez
Secretary of Foreign Policy: Patxi Lopez
Secretary for Equality: Purification Causapié
Ministry of Economy and Employment: Inmaculada Rodríguez Piñero
Secretary of Institutional Relations and Regional Policy: Antonio Hernando
Secretary of Participation, Networking and Innovation: Maria González Veracruz
Secretary for City and Municipal Policy: Gaspar Zarrías
Secretary of Ideas and Programs: Jesus Caldera
Secretary of Social Policy: Trinidad Jimenez
Secretary of Education and Culture: Maria del Mar Villafranca
Secretary of Regional Planning and Sustainability: Hugo Morán

The secretariats: Rafael Simancas area (Training), Juan Moscoso (European Union), Marisol Perez (Cooperation and Immigration) and Carmela Silva (Emigration).

The Executive will also include: Eduardo Madina, Jaime Lissavetzky, Emiliano García Page, Sergio Gutiérrez, Carlos Pérez, Carolina Darías, José Zaragoza, Francina Armengol, María Teresa Noguera, José Miguel Rodríguez, Esperanza Estévez, Alejandro Soler, María Gámez, Javier Fernández, María José Fernández, Carmen Montón, Maite Fernández, Maru Menéndez, Pachi Vázquez y Dolores Gorostiaga.

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