In search of White Elephants…

There is no doubting that the Burriana beach area in Nerja suffers from a lack of parking spaces in the summer season, as does the rest of the town almost all year round, but is another underground car park really the answer? Or will it become another ‘white elephant’?

Great emphasis is always placed on the fact that this will be the fourth underground facility in the municipality. Technically correct, of course, but let’s have a look at some of them.

The Parque Verano Azul underground car park took years to build, caused great inconvenience during its construction and cost a fortune. And how did it fare?

It became apparent from the early days that it was not going to be a successful venture and eventually the Council admitted that it was underutilised and not a viable proposition. It was turned into a residential car park at knock-down prices. To their credit, however, the Council decided to maintain control over the facility and not turn it over to private enterprise.

The main municipal underground car park under Plaza de España in the centre of town is also very much underutilised and can hardly be described as a success.

Visitors to Nerja, as well as residents, are always on the lookout for free, or at least relatively cheap, parking. Over the years, however, all the old plots of land where landowners happily allowed free parking have had to be closed down and fenced off by order of the Council.

During the summer months, many Spanish tourists tend to arrive in town, park their car for a month and head to the beaches. Parking costs of €10 to €20 per day are generally neither appreciated or accepted, especially by those on tight budgets due to the current financial climate.

Dust covered vehicles are a regular sight in the summer due to this phenomenon and conversations with Spanish tourists such as:

Q. ‘Can I park here?’
A. ‘Yes, no problem’.
Q. ‘For a month?’

are quite common.

So what are the odds of an underground facility at Burriana beach being any more successful? Unless the fees are going to be considerably lower than those currently charged in underground facilities, one would have to say that the chances of it being a successful venture are slim.

Car parking facilities operated by concessionaires have rarely been a success in any of the municipalities along the coast and some, like Frigiliana, closed again fairly quickly.

The lack of adequate parking, along with the complete lack of sewage facilities, is definitely having an effect on visitor numbers to the town. You only have to trawl the various forums to see this, with many perennial visitors changing holiday location and potential new visitors opting for another resort.

A much cheaper option would be to tarmac the designated plot of land, mark out suitable spaces, employ a couple of people to monitor the area, and charge a reasonable daily fee which will not break the bank of those visiting for a month or more.

Otherwise we could be looking at another white elephant.

One can see the benefit to municipal coffers of a large construction project, utilised or not, and one can understand that any concessionaire needs to make money, but it would be nice to see an alternative approach sometimes.

Rather than: Let’s build something and get a bit of money and then hope someone uses it…

How about: What would attract visitors and encourage them to spend money in the town and benefit local businesses, cost little to set up and maintain? Free/cheap, easy and convenient parking.

There are enough white elephants already: Verano Azul Car Park, Municipal Car Park, Plaza de España…

  1. I believe all the car parks could be turned into money making propositions if only the charges were reduced. Surely full car parks with drivers paying a reasonable amount would be better than almost empty ones with the few cars there paying extortionate prices? A simple sum: 300 cars paying 3 euros each, or 50 cars paying 10 euros. If I was in charge I know which I would prefer, the one producing the moct money!.The overall result would be less cars searching for parking in any available space in the streets, happier drivers, and time saved!!.Seemples!

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