Air route between Almeria and Sevilla could end in January 2014

Since 2010, Air Nostrum has been operating a round trip between Almería and Sevilla, but the concession runs out in January 14th and there has been no news as to whether this airline or another entity will continue to fly between the two cities.

The Junta de Andalucia asked the Central Government to declare the route ‘public interest’ and this was agreed by the Ministry of Development. This resulted in the availability of a grant of €3 million to cover the losses on the route. The planes are often less than half full.

In the summer of 2013 the Junta de Andalucia apparently requested a renewal of the ‘public interest’ status in order to once again receive the grants for the service, but have so far heard nothing from the Ministry of Development. European regulations require the concession to be approved six months before implementation, which could see the service end in January 2014.

Only two other routes are considered by the State to be a public service, these being to the balearics and the Canary Islands.

So often criticised for not responding, perhaps the Junta de Andalucia is being treated to a taste of its own medicine.

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