Film and Towel in Rincón de la Victoria

For the third consecutive year, the beaches of Rincón de la Victoria will host the ‘Film and Towel’ initiative, the screening of a series of popular films for all the family.

The first showing is on Friday July 25th in the Arroyo San Juan area of La Cala del Moral. The film will be The Adventures of Thadeus Jones and it starts at 22:00.

Three different locations are being used: Arroyo San Juan (La Cala del Moral), the beach near La Hornacina Virgen del Carmen (Rincón de la Victoria) and the Estación in Torre de Benagalbón. The showings are free, gratis and for nothing.

The screenings are popular, with audiences increasing each year.

La Cala del Moral (Arroyo San Juan)
July 25th: ‘Las aventuras de Tadeo Jones.’
August 1st: ‘Alter Earth’.
August 23rd: ‘Fast and Furious 6’.

Rincón de la Victoria (Hornacina Virgen del Carmen)
August 2nd: ‘Los Pitufos 2’
August 8th: ‘Lo Imposible’.
August 15th:’Los Croods’.
August 16th:’Oblivion’.

Torre de Benagalbón (Estación).
July 26th: .’Gru 2. Mi villano favorito’
August 9th: ‘Iron Man 3’.
August 22nd: ‘Word War 2’.

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