Council launches II Municipal Housing Rehabilitation Program

The Council has launched the II Municipal Housing Rehabilitation Program, a scheme designed to help people with fewer economic resources to make small repairs to their homes.

The Council has allocated €60,000 in the budget for this program. Those interested of taking advantage of this financial aid should go to the Department of Planning, on the first floor of the Town Hall, and request a meeting with the Councillor for Housing, Nieves Atencia, and pick up a copy of the form developed for the purpose. The registration period is from December 1st to December 31st.

The financial aid is a maximum of 50% of the execution cost of the works with an upper limit of €6,000. The total cost of the building works cannot exceed €14,000. Municipal technicians will provide advice to the successful applications.

The Council is also waiving various taxes in connection with these projects, such as building and inspection taxes.

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