Fugitive arrested in Málaga

National Police in Málaga have arrested a 40 year-old Camaroon national wanted by the Belgian police to serve a prison sentence for cocaine trafficking.

Card copier arrested in Marbella

Police in Marbella have arrested a 38 year old owner of a retail establishment who copied the credit card details of clients and used the information to gamble online. The detainee, a Spanish national, obtained around €9,000 from the copied cards. He was arrested for similar offences in both May and June 2012.

Man arrested after double killing in Alcarrós, Lleida

Police have arrested a man on suspicion of killing another man and a woman in the town of Alcarrós, Lleida. Both the deceased persons and the detainee are of North African origin and police are trying to clarify whether the detainee has some sort of sentimental attachment to one of his alleged victims.

Alleged drug trafficker arrested in Fuengirola

National Police have arrested a Moroccan national, A.H., in Fuengirola after 45 kilos of hashish were found in the back of his car. The incident occurred in calle Churruca and followed an investigation started when information was received about someone engaged in ferrying drugs throughout Málaga province.

Almogia Councillor arrested on drugs charges

Police have arrested Diego Aranda, an IU Councillor in Almogia, on suspicion of crimes against the public health after one hundred marijuana plants were found in one of the properties he owned in calle Marcelo San Esteban.

Fugitive killer arrested in Granada

Guardia Civil officers in Granada have arrested a fugitive who has been on the run for eleven years after escaping from custody in 2002.