Appointments via internet and SMS in Benagalbón

Over 1,000 residents in Benagalbón already have the possibility to make appointments with their family doctor via a twenty-four hour telephone line (Salud Responde), but more options have now been added. Appointments can now be made via the internet ( or by SMS (text CITASAS followed by a space followed by your health card number) to 600 123 400.

Renovations in Benagalbón

Calle Osario is the first of five streets in Benagalbón to be completed under a €1.5 million renovation project funded by the ICO-Turismo. The renovations elsewhere are around 50% complete.

Streetworks in Benagalbón

Work on a number of streets has started in Benagalbón, the project involving the renovation of pavements, street furniture and services.

New playgrounds in Rincón

The Council in Rincón de la Victoria is planning to install four new children’s playgrounds along the coast in preparation for the summer. The €44,920 project is being funded by the Council (40%) and the Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Sport. Each play area will have a wooden castle as well as the usual slides and swings. Already installed along …


The Junta de Andalucía has awarded the status of ‘Fiesta de Interés Turístico de Andalucía’ (Festival of Tourist Interest in Andalucía) to the annual ‘Concurso Tradicional de Verdiales’ in Benagalbón.