Bogus gas inspectors on the increase

The number of cases of bogus gas inspectors is on the increase in Fuengirola as these individuals seek to take advantage of the elderly and unwary visitors during the summer months.

Several bogus gas inspectors on the prowl

There are reports of at least four bogus gas inspectors making the rounds in Nerja and Maro, charging the unwary and vulnerable €250 or more for their services, which at most consist of fitting a new orange hose to a gas bottle. These individuals are also quite verbally aggressive.

Bogus gas inspectors arrested in Jerez

Three people have been arrested in Jerez on suspicion of numerous counts of fraud after posing as gas inspectors and preying on elderly residents, charging exorbitant fees for a supposed inspection and leaving the premises in a state of disrepair.

Aggressive gas inspectors this time…

Yet another visit this morning by so-called ‘gas inspectors’ going door to door, and this pair were not only extremely persistent, refusing to take no for an answer, but also quite aggressive. Having failed in their mission to intimidate me into letting them in, one of them slammed his fist into the door before moving on to the next apartment.

12 bogus gas inspectors arrested

Police in Triana, Sevilla, have arrested a total of twelve people allegedly posing as gas inspectors and carrying out bogus repairs to gas installations.

Don’t let them in!

As one would expect with the influx of visitors to Nerja, the bogus gas inspectors are once again in evidence. Gas inspectors NEVER turn up at your door unannounced, so DO NOT LET THEM IN under any circumstances, whatever they say. see Gas Installations.

Beware of bogus gas inspectors

It would appear that bogus gas inspectors, a regular phenomenon in many municipalities, are now making their rounds in Vélez-Málaga. The general rule is that gas companies do not ‘cold call’ for business, it is up to the owner/occupier to make an appointment for the compulsory inspection which should take place every five years.

Increased activity of bogus gas inspectors

The bogus gas inspectors are once again making their rounds in Nerja, eager to take advantage of the unwary visitor and the elderly. See Gas Installations and remember the cardinal rule, DO NOT LET THEM INTO YOUR HOUSE.

Bogus gas inspectors on the prowl, again

Be on the alert, bogus gas inspectors have been on the prowl again today going from door to door, something the gas companies never do. See Gas Installations.

Bogus gas inspectors detained

It would seem that the bogus gas inspector scam is not just a coastal phenomenon. The Guardia Civil has detained six people in San Juan de Aznalfarache, Sevilla, who had been carrying out unauthorised inspections of gas installations in homes in the towns of Tomares and Bormujos.