Made to last

There are many documented cases of ‘fast food’ looking as fresh after six months or a year as it did when it was first produced. There are McDonald’s Happy Meals still looking great after 137 days, burgers still around after 12 years, all giving rise to questions about preservatives and chemicals. There is even a Museum of food-that-refuses-go-bad….The secret to …

Crackdown on fast food vendors at Málaga feria

The Málaga feria has attracted a number of fast food vendors, some offering an ‘anti-crisis’ menu of meat in a bun for €3, but this had led to complaints by local merchants and restaurants and, so far, fourteen of these itinerant operators have been shut down for alleged permit or hygeine violations.

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Things don’t always quite look like they are supposed to, particularly when it comes to fast food. Ads v Reality