The Nerja Council is to ask the Cuenca Mediterránea Andaluza (CMA) to cede two currently untapped wells in the Rio Chillar riverbed as a future safeguard.

The Iberian peninsular is suffering one of the driest winters on record, despite the recent rains, and water levels in many of the reservoirs are very low. In the case of Nerja, the supply of water for both human consumption and the irrigation of agricultural fields is assured, although this is not stopping the Council asking for the cession of two currently untapped wells as a precaution against a prolonged drought.

The Nerja Council is to ask the Cuenca Mediterránea Andaluza (CMA) to hand over control of two untapped wells in the Rio Chillar area of the town. One of the wells has all the necessary bits to connect to the local water supply and produces around one hundred litres of water per second. The other well is currently not capable of being connected to the local water supply.

On a slightly different note, the devastating storms of September 21st 2007 damaged part of the pipes carrying drinking water in the Rio Chillar area and this situation has not yet been rectified. As a consequence, the Council is not ruling out the possibility of eventually imposing short term restrictions on water for human consumption.

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