The Supreme Court delays implementation of demolition orders in Marbella

The Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Andalucía (TSJA) – The Andalucía Supreme Court – has given a stay of execution regarding 29 illegal buildings in Marbella which are due to be demolished.

The buildings in question were constructed illegally and without the proper licenses during the Gil regime in Marbella. In total, some 18,000 homes, hotels and businesses are under threat of demolition although, in reality, very few demolition orders are likely to be carried out.

The latest ruling by the TSJA is based on the fact that the new PGOU has yet to be officially agreed and that it is quite likely that under any new PGOU, many of the houses would be ‘reprieved’. On this basis, the TSJA ruled it was prudent to wait until the PGOU is finalised and approved.

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