‘Comando Vizcaya’ believed to be responsible for La Rioja bombing

The Ministry of Interior investigation into the car bomb attack on the Guardia Civil barracks in Calahorra, La Rioja, indicates that the booby-trapped car was placed by members of the ‘comando Vizcaya’, a unit of ETA under the leadership of Jurdan Martitegi and Arkaitz Goikoetxea.

It is thought that at least three terrorists took part in the attack, one of them being recorded on CCTV as he parked the bomb near the Guardia Civil barracks. A second person was close by with another car, the getaway vehicle, and a third person was watching from the hillside.

The ‘comando Vizcaya’ are believed to be responsible for the vast majority of the fifteen ETA attacks carried out since the end of the ceasefire, the exceptions being the murder in France of Guardia Civil officers Fernando Trapero and Raúl Centeno and the assassination of the former socialist councillor Isaías Carrasco in Mondragon.

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