Nerja to ask the Junta for €300,000 to complete brotherhood HQ

The Nerja Council is planning to ask the Junta de Andalucía for a grant of €300,000 to complete the building of the new brotherhood headquarters in calle Puente Viejo.

The total cost of the project is €600,000 and when completed, the building will house the thrones of the Nazareno and Resucitado brotherhoods as well as a small museum.

The project was started in November 2006 and phase one is now complete. However, only 50% of the necessary funding has so far been raised, hence the appeal to the Junta de Andalucía. The Council notes that similar funding has been made available to other municipalities in the past.

The new building is on a 425 square metre plot of land ceded by the Nerja Council to the two brotherhoods and the Council has already pledged €180,000 to the project. The Nerja Caves Foundation has also contributed €60,000 and several local businesses have also been involved in various ways, either by providing materials or carrying out the actual building work. The brotherhoods themselves have also contributed €30,000 each towards the costs.

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