Six new Iberian Lynx cubs born in El Acebuche

Good news for a change as six Iberian lynx cubs were born at the weekend at the captive breeding centre in El Acebuche, Doñana.

Three of the inmates of the breeding centre, Esperanza, Aura and Aliaga, produced six cubs at the weekend and all are set to be doing well. A total of sixteen cubs have been born at the centre so far this year, of which thirteen have survived.

Aliaga gave birth to three of cubs, Aura to two and Esperanza produced just the one. There are a total of seven females at the El Acebuche breeding centre which hosted its first captive birth in 2005.

No further births are anticipated at the centre for the rest of the year based on the profiles of the animals concerned. New births are expected, however, in La Olivilla (Jaén) and at the Zoobotánico in Jeréz.

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