A day is a long time in politics

The mayor of Vélez-Málaga, Francisco Delgado, has announced the authorisation of studies relating to phase two of the Tranvia tram system.

This announcement by the mayor comes just a few months after much talk of canceling the proposed extension to the network, even withdrawing the entire system, unless the Junta de Andalucía agreed to bear some of the financial burden. The Tranvia caused a municipal debt of €900,000 during 2007.

The Council still wants to have a meeting with the Junta de Andalucía before any works are actually carried out so that the entire project can be re-evaluated with a view to lowering ticket prices and increasing the competitiveness and frequency of the service.

The mayor stated, however, that there was no opposition to the Tranvia system, merely a desire to explore different formulas to make it more beneficial to the citizens of Vélez.Málaga and Torre del Mar.

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